How Do I Install Dropstore Woocommerce Plugin

Here is a video tutorial on how to install the plugin >

1. Download latest version plugin zip and save to your computer

Login to Dropstore Merchant Dashboard > Settings > Woocommerce Integration > Please click here to download the plugin

*Save the download as is with no renames or changes

2. Install plugin by uploading zip into your Woocommerce dashboard in Plugins

Login to Woocommerce store admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose File > Install Now

If previously installed versions of plugin already Installed then remove and install the new version.

If you receive a Fatal Error message after the upload of new plugin version, then you will need to delete the old plugin before commencing with the new upload.

*You may need to deactivate or remove the previous and upload new version.

3. Activate plugin

If Installing for the first time, after Installing Go to Plugins > Installed plugins > Woocommerce Dropstore > Activate

You would need the Dropstore Access Token to complete the plugin activation. You can find the access token here -

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 23.18.13.png

4. Run setup Wizard (This step is required even if you have already installed previous plugin versions)
  • If installing for the first time, you will be prompted to Run Setup Wizard > Begin to Setup > Continue > add Access Token (you will find it in your Woocommerce Integration Dropstore Woocommerce Plugin) > Save Settings > Back to Admin Panel
  • If already installed then Go to Plugins > Installed plugins > Woocommerce Dropstore > Settings > Here you Run Setup Wizard again and follow prompts that follow

If the following ERROR Message is shown:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare dropstore_plugin_add_settings_link() (previously declared in /mnt/volume_fra1_01/www/your-store-name/wp-content/plugins/dropstore-merchant/dropstore-merchant.php:117) in /mnt/volume_fra1_01/www/your-store-name/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-plugin/woocommerce-dropstore.php on line 113

N.B You will need to deactivate or remove any previous versions of Woocommerce Dropstore plugin

Please note:  Dropstore Plugin setup checks memory allocated and not just overall memory. Just available memory allocated for the plugin. Your web host allocates initial memory, however memory is constantly being used by other processes running in Woocommerce. Dropstore processes run on a schedule of every 10 minutes.

Internal Server 500: Dropstore Plugin requires 250 MB to run, in an event where system does not have the amount of memory allocated, you may experience 500 internal server error. You can also view details in Woocommerce > Status > Logs and filter for most recent information.
This is because you may have some other processes running in the background i.e other plugins, woocommerce processes, and Dropstore plugin run at a time when others are running, resulting in limited availability of allocated memory. processes wont run forever. Dropstore processes runs on a schedule. (every 10 minutes).

How to Fix:
1. Upgrade Server - contact your host to upgrade your server which typically comes with more memory.
2. Allocate more memory to your Woocommerce website ( you are able to find videos on Youtube to assist- "How to Increase Woocommerce memory) or checkout:

For plugin update, merchants should:

1. Deactivate then delete old installed version
2. Upload new plugin
3. Activate new plugin

Note on Divi Theme Builder Compatibility:

It's essential to be aware that the plugin might encounter conflicts with the Divi Theme Builder. To successfully integrate the plugin into your site, consider following these steps: Firstly, install an alternative theme, then proceed to upload the plugin. Once the plugin is uploaded, reactivate Divi to ensure a seamless integration. This process can help mitigate potential conflicts and ensure the smooth functioning of both the plugin and the Divi Theme Builder on your website.

Please contact on any issues you may come across.

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Happy Dropstore-ing.

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