How To Find Supplier Products on Dropstore

How Dropshipping Works...

You find what you want to sell from your supplier by accessing Dropstore and then list the product on your website at a price that you set.

When someone places an order on that product, your customer pays you the retail price that you’ve set, and you make a profit. Then you place the order via your Dropstore Reseller Dashboard with the supplier at wholesale price and have it shipped directly to your customer.

Step 1

Signup to Dropstore as a Reseller


For Dropstore to work for you, first you need to have an online store that can be integrated. Dropstore is able to integrate with Shopify, Woocommerce.

Choose the most appropriate plan and complete the registration.

When you register a new reseller / merchant account, you will get a 14 day Trial with your selected plan and product limit.
If you choose to not select a plan, then you will still get a 14 day Trial and be able to integrate and push up to 200 products to your store

Once trial license expires, you can purchase a Dropstore product license suitable for your needs,

Step 2

Go To Products > Select a category or Search for products to sell
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Step 3

Add Your Markup > Save


You are able to set a Markup per product or Bulk products

Step 4

From the Supplier product list, select the products you wish to resell and add to your Import List


You may bulk select and add or you can add them individually as well.

Supplier products have a shipping cost shown and you can you can choose to include or exclude the shipping cost when adding our products to your website however will be liable irrespective of inclusion or exclusion when placing the order for your customer.

Step 5

Once you have all the Products added to your Import List, here you can edit further before the final step of Pushing to your Store. You are also able to Remove Products

Products > My Import List > Action > Edit



In the product Edit, you can also add the product to an existing Category which would have been pulled from your store or you can Create a New Category for that product (Woocommerce Only).


To check your categories go to Settings > My Categories (Woocommerce Only)


Step 6

Once you have completed the above steps and are happy with your Markup, Edits and Categorising your products, SAVE & PUSH TO STORE or PUSH TO STORE.

If you have any questions or need more information on Dropstore, please get in touch at or Live Chat on

Join our 10,000+ member facebook group, share your shop, start sending it to friends, family and be on the lookout for our next blog post where we teach you how to market your shiny new store!

If you have any questions, you can find help here.

Happy Dropstore-ing.

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