Customize / Edit your Products on Dropstore

So you’ve found the perfect products for your shop! Now it's time to customize and brand them.

In the Product section, you can edit the title, add/remove tags, add product type and collection. Dropstore will automatically find your Shopify shop's collections. Changing the title can also help with improving your product's SEO.

In the Description section, you can edit the product description. Similar to the title, changing the description can improve your products SEO and provide additional information.

In the Variants section,  you can select/deselect which variants you want to sell, change the sales price and include the shipping cost if you’d like.

*** Note: Shipping price is not included in the product's pricing. You can decide how you want to charge for shipping. Read more about Shipping.

In the Images section,  you can select/deselect images and edit the Alt text to improve SEO.

Once you’re done editing, click on the "Push to Shopify" button to add the product to your Shopify store!

Next, Let's learn how to check the products on your shop.

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Happy Dropstore-ing.

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