How do I know if an order has been shipped?

As soon as your order is shipped by the supplier, you will receive an automated email with the tracking details.

You can also check your order’s shipping and tracking status by following these steps:

  1. Head over to your Orders Tab on the Dropstore app
  2. View the details on the shipping status. Screenshot 2024-01-07 020054.png

Important note: Once the package leaves the supplier’s warehouse, please note that it is the responsibility of the reseller to work with the carrier to obtain tracking updates.

If your order has not been shipped, and you would like to know when it will be shipped, you can contact the supplier directly via our messaging feature. However, please ensure to check if the supplier's processing time has lapsed. Here is an article on how to contact a supplier on Dropstore.

Please contact on any issues you may come across.

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If you have any questions, you can find help here.

Happy Dropstore-ing.

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